Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation
Spelling, Grammar, and
Punctuation is one of the things that get overlooked in most web site
designs. You may or may not have noticed how many typos there are
on most profesionally-designed sites today. The sources for these flaws
range from the client who is in need of a site right away, to the web
designer who is too busy to keep track of it all, and sometimes the
spell-correcting software doesn’t choose the right word or changes words
that don’t have a standard spelling. So that’s why we have a specialized
team to just handle this particular problem. Basically, while a website
is being designed, we tend to tolerate the misspellings until we
get the approval from our clients for the overall design and functionality
of the site, then we pass all the pages from the site to the spelling
department as part of the polishing-up process. One of the reasons
we approach this in that way is it gives us a chance to collect some of
the misspelled words we will need to optimi1ze your site with the search
engines. Believe it or not, misspellings are just as important as the
correctly spelled words for good ranking.
But to show you how proficient our staff is at correcting some of the
atrocious spellings around, here are some samples from our web site
during its develpment: